A comment on Second Life :)
Susan Toth-Cohen (SL:Zsuzsa Tomsen) has left a new comment on your post “Second Life for “Gimps””:
Hi, I'm an OT educator (Jefferson College of Health Professions, Philadelphia) in Second Life and put up a video about our OT Center there. BTW, soon we will have a new video about the work we've done in the year since that video was completed.
I highly recommend that OT's and OT educators use Second Life and other virtual environments as a venue to help realize the Centennial Vision of “occupational therapy [as] a powerful, widely recognized, science-driven, and evidence-based profession with a globally connected and diverse workforce meeting society's occupational needs (AOTA, 2008).”
Jun 23, 2008 | Category: Occupational Therapy | Comments: none