A few random housekeeping things from e-mail cleaning…as Rosemary would say
Cool website I heard about from an OT, that I wish I had known about while working on the Well Elderly Project:
www.eldersong.com “Creative Activity Materials for Older Adults”
Good quote from the presidential address at AOTA Conference (copy/pasted from an article on AOTA’s website): President Moyers Cleveland continued, saying that knocking on doors and developing leadership in the profession means that occupational therapy practitioners may sometimes need to be unreasonable. “‘No’ is not an answer we should accept,” Moyers Cleveland stated firmly. Practitioners need to take a ‘no’ and turn it into a question, asking themselves if were they creative enough to figure out how to get a ‘yes.’
Random cool news: my grandfather (and his group) had an article in Nature a few weeks ago regarding ribosomes! His group’s project made the cover!
Apr 17, 2008 | Category: Occupational Therapy | Comments: none