A rooster named Karen

I'm not famous in the OT world but I do have a rooster named after me….


My awesomely crazy and generous friends Paul and Angela (anything weird in my house was almost certainly a present from them), were both on a recent WKNO radio show, “Local Food Movement Gains Momentum With Mid-Southerners“…….they are Slow Food Members (I have a gift membership from them), and they try hard to eat local and they even have their own chickens in their city backyard. One of which is named Karen. And Karen eventually turned out to be a rooster. 🙁

And that rooster named Karen gets mentioned in this broadcast..Paul is in the middle of the radio mp3 clip talking about being an introvert (cough) and getting to know the farmers, and Angela is near the end discussing the chickens. And rooster. AHAHAHAHAHAA.

Their website: http://squirrel-squad.blogspot.com/

Jun 10, 2008 | Category: Occupational Therapy | Comments: none