A tu ti ta…Tooty Ta? Song…An amazing motor planning/sequencing song for OT kids
I was recently in a K dual language immersion classroom checking in on a little guy when the teacher was having all her kids do “A tu ti ta” (this was all in Spanish). It was SO FREAKING cool and hilarious. I have NEVER heard of this. It was cracking me up, the kids loved it, and it was SUCH great sequencing, motor planning, following directions, etc.
Essentially it’s a very rhythmic song that has the children following basic directions and it builds upon itself. They start with thumbs up, then move to elbows back, feet apart, knees touching, tongue out, etc. I love all things occupational therapy related and kids related and I am utterly astounded that this is the first time I have come across this. Teachers, parents, therapists…Please. Get this song and do it with your class/kids/students. 🙂
This is a random clip I found of some young children doing it. It’s only about two minutes long – slow going at first but picks up near the end and gets really silly, really quick. LOVE IT!
As always…Check the posts a few below for a magic weighted blanket give a way 🙂
Sep 06, 2012 | Category: Occupational Therapy | Comments: 2