
Four more days to get ready. Monday went well. Today, Tuesday so far includes two mini crisises that make me go AUGH!

1) At 430am I had to get up and turn lights on to try and find source of this object beeping every once in a while…difficult to locate. I eventually found it in the source of an old phone with a PHENOMENAL battery system, that was beeping its low battery, under the bed. How it got turned on (seeing as how it's not in use) is a very annoying mystery. 
2) I heard back from my short term gap insurance that they – instead of adjusting date of coverage by two days as customer service rep said was okay/no big deal – cancelled it “per my request” – wrote back like AUUUUUUUGHHHHHH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO except not in those words.
Okay…let's hope the rest of the day has no more issues!! 
Aug 18, 2009 | Category: Occupational Therapy | Comments: none