Yesterday with help from some friends, I transferred to Nashville, to stay with some other friends, for my next rotation. All foresaid friends are sweet and kind and generous. I came this early because I typically fly out of Nashville to San Diego (where my family is) for Christmas. So this way me and my beloved Lester the Lion Kitty could have some extra time to get used to the transition.
I adore my friends that I'm staying with and so far my cat seems to be ok, but I woke up pretty stressed out. A lot to do, not a lot of energy or motivation.I'm about to check in for the flight – its about 24 hours in advance – and today I need to fix up my new room some more and pack for San Diego, and um, I still haven't gotten presents for like, anyone. And I have a hard time with changes in routine, even if everything's okay.
It's really adorable watching Lester try to make kitty friends. He is very socially awkward. He doesn't give pesonal space, he just runs up to new kitty like OMG LOVE ME PLEASE I LOVE YOU ALREADY….hmm sounds like his mommy. Anyway, Roger the cat isn't up for that, so now Lester is trying to talk to him using his special grunts instead of typical meows, and Roger is like WHAT IN THE WORLD ARE YOU! YOU ALIEN CREATURE!
Quite intriguing. I hope it works out. Anyway. Send a few prayers my way to help me with being overwhelmed with all the upcoming changes in my life. And don't forget the awesome holiday gift of supporting a charity in honor or in memory of someone – that's what you get someone who has everything. A donation to St. Jude – hint hint – is always great. But sometimes you just have to adopt a monkey instead. That's okay too.