Um….I've been hit by a little old lady, watched the smearing of feces, watched the spontaneous public disrobings of patients, dealt with auditory and visual hallucinations, and delusions, and aggression,
etc. I don't think I've written up my day for a while, I forget when I last did it. Seems the last few days haven't had massively big issues – just more typical stuff. Seems like there were a few things I wanted to share but my mind is blank right now. Just wanted to post so that people knew I didn't fall off the face of the earth.
Have a doc appt tomorrow afternoon – need a medication adjustment I think – feeling very zombie-ish. Makes work very very challenging as its very VERY busy – much higher census than normal – so there is VERY RARELY downtime. If you feel like a zombie, running around all day long is a very daunting task. I need to do my midterm questions by the end of this week. And start working on professional development evaluation stuff. And register for class on taking the boards/get review book. And deal with the over 300+ emails and such. And start planning trips/what happens after this final six weeks are up. I'm on month 8 of 9 months of fieldwork – my fieldwork baby is about to be born, ha ha ha. I crack me up. Anyway, it's pretty freaky to try and figure out what is next….ooooh.
Lester the Lion Kitty is soooo cute/sweet….
If anyone I see regularly has some extra decks of cards, please donate to me…..I'd like to take them to my geri unit.
Ok…hmm tomorrow's groups….maybe one on relaxation and one on boring nutrition. boo. lol. Hmm…
I guess I'm going to try and go to bed…if you've emailed me asking me to answer questions re OT school….I promise I ALWAYS answer….its just sometimes a very, very delayed answer. Like I'll probably send out my Christmas thank you cards in March….seriously. :X