Brain Train – Technique for OT Students
Us OT students recently had a presentation (by other students) on Brain Train. While infrequently used by occupational therapists, it is an assortment of computer programs, designed for people of any age who have difficulty processing information. The programs are Captain’s Log, Smart Driver, and SoundSmart. It was all developed around the 1990s. The games can teach self-control/patience, listening, speed, visual perception…just about anything. It may be having to follow directions that are interrupted by crazy noises, it may be having to count a certain number that gets flashed with a variety of other numbers, it may be waiting to answer a simple question until you get the go-ahead, etc. It’s pretty crazy.
UPDATE: I got a question on this game and what is shown in the video clip. Believe it or not, it is working like it is supposed to. It is a game of patience and it keeps making Brooke wait to put in her answer, or it changes what she is supposed to do and make her re-wait. Then Brooke messed up once because hello, HIGH PRESSURE! and it was on a very high difficulty setting…but it really was working correctly, and it was very neat. I recommend therapists look into BrainTrain, especially for kids with ADHD!