Occupational Therapy
OT was featured on Extreme Makeover: Home Edition
So this post, is, oh, a little late, but it was still a neat article to read! A great guy who had a spinal cord injury was chosen for the episode, and his OT/PT/Rehab were factored heavily into the episode, which is awesome!
Accessibility and swimming
What's in YOUR OT toolbox?
I found this as a draft from 2007?!!!! I do have a pediatric OT toolbox video on Youtube that’s super old. I have a newer one I posted on this blog that I guess I should post on Youtube, although I think I’m ready to do an updated one again!
So…I made a video based on what I keep in a little box for when I am a real occupational therapist and not just a student…but I know there is lots I haven’t thought of. So my question to you all is….what is in YOUR OT toolbox? Via text or pictures or video, let me know…I’ll post it. I’d LOVE to get more ideas.
One day I’ll actually get good at setting up videos, but for now, y’all gotta bear with my learning curve.
Here was the stuff I talked about, if I remember correctly, in no particular order:
1. Duct tape
2. Nylon cable ties
3. Jumbo playing cards
4. A laundry detergent cap
5. Non-skid liner, often called dycem
6. rubber bands
7. Play money
8. Dollar store occupation-based ideas – like a map puzzle for people who like to travel to use to talk about, or sort, or do…or whatever.
Oh no I’m blanking on what else! Guess you gotta watch the video to find out the rest. LET ME KNOW WHAT IS IN YOUR TOOLBOX! What can you not live without?
I already know my friend Burt is “cogitating” on a mini video to do on basic REAL tools he thinks all OTs should carry around…he is my tool hero. And his 17-year old daughter, Sarah, is my textbook hero because I show her diagrams out of my books (like Trombley, Pendretti, Willard & Spackman…) and make her teach me things. For example, we learned in an adaptive activities of daily life lab the other day some one-handed dressing techniques for button-down shirts, but then I was confused by the diagrams in the book and it would have taken me a while to figure it out, and so I showed them to her and she taught me in about 2 seconds because her brain likes diagrams and mine doesn’t. I’ve already decided she should follow me around for the rest of my life helping me with environmental modifications and anything else requiring a physics/math/3-D artistic brain. I know my strengths and weaknesses…I don’t plan to work in a setting that requires a lot of those things!
Ok I’m gonna go check my laundry now and convince myself it’s going to be okay. I have a serious phobia about washing machines and dryers. I’m always convinced they are either going to flood or blow up. I’m serious. I have no issue with flying across the country by myself, walking up to strangers to ask a question, dealing with insurance, or being in a mildly scary part of town…all the stuff that scares a lot of people….but get me near a blender, a microwave, a washing machine/dryer, or any other machine that plugs in and makes noise, and I am SCARED!
Okay,I totally wasted way too long going off on multiple tangents. Probably procrastination from having to go face the scary laundry. Dum dum DUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
White noise apps to help inattentive children focus on schoolwork
The effects of background white noise on memory performance in inattentive school children
OT blogging mid-life crisis
I’m working on weaning off my basic sleep medication (my entire life, sleeping has been an issue) so that means I’m awake. Actually, it’s only 1030pm on a Saturday so that’s not crazy. But my best friend is spending the night (yes, we’re 29, but she lives in Tijuana across the border so this is easier!) and she went to bed an hour ago. So I feel like I’m up late!
My blogging mid-life crisis
I'm working on weaning off my basic sleep medication (my entire life, sleeping has been an issue) so that means I'm awake. Actually, it's only 1030pm on a Saturday so that's not crazy. But my best friend is spending the night (yes, we're 29, but she lives in Tijuana across the border so this is easier!) and she went to bed an hour ago. So I feel like I'm up late!
Patient perspective, ADVANCE series
I enjoyed reading all four parts of this ADVANCE patient perspective series about a woman who had a spinal cord injury. I think more and more online sites are trying to get patient perspective which I love, I think that is the most interesting part of all.
Public school could use a little Waldorf infusion ;)
Infographic on video games improving our health!
Ethan wrote me a lovely e-mail a while ago and we corresponded briefly. He showed me this awesome infographic but I don’t have nearly the technical knowledge I need to know how to host it myself, so he wrote this up for me. I recommend checking out the infographic that he describes below, it’s quite nicely done! And while I’m not a fan of LOTS of screen time, in small doses, it’s awesome. 🙂 I know a lot of OT rehab clients at my first job loved working with the Wii, and the Kinect is even cooler these days. Anybody see Erik of OT Army Fame, in the tech session at AOTA conference, playing Star Wars? Soo funny. He uses it a lot with his veterans.
Often times we think of video gaming as something sedentary (sitting on the couch comes to mind), but several consoles have started reshaping the way we view video games — namely Nintendo’s Wii and Xbox Kinect. These video game consoles have more than just fun applications with your friends on a Friday night. Now, health professionals are finding new ways of using these devices to help people with illnesses and general health. Check out this infographic from Big Fish Games that talks a little bit more about how video games are improving our health.

I have deja vu, I think I’ve posted this before, but now I have a new system so it won’t happen again of re-posting pictures I find in Picasa. Anyway, great pre-writing skill. Take your little ones to the beach and practice vertical and horizontal lines!! 🙂