Challenging worksheets …
Worksheets like this can be challenging for young children with fine motor and/or visual motor issues. In this particular case, the child has difficulty staying in lines but also being able to copy words from a box in one corner to the various lines. Often, because it is so hard for them, they end up giving up and doing an even poorer job…I chide my little guy (in a KIND, silly voice)….Did a troll do this? Because it looks like a troll did this. Was it you or a troll? He knows to say it was a troll if it's extra messy. So then we erase the writing of the troll (a little at a time) and replace it with HIS nicest writing, not a troll's. 🙂 Yay! No more troll writing!! This is amazing!! So much better!! Silly troll trying to take over your worksheets!!!