
Been in San Diego since Tuesday afternoon. My twin sister Kristina and her boyfriend Omar flew down from Northern CA, as did my maternal grandfather Nacho and his wife Bibiana. Best friend Paloma flew in from DC…dad and grandma are here and some other family members are flying in. So far it's been nice. Very California…pomegranite arils, blackberries, pineapple and banana for breakfasts…bagels…waves rolling in on the ocean…a lot of Spanish being spoken… entiendo mucho….and right now my sister/boyfriend/mom are watching a documentary on racial and socioeconomic disparities affecting healthcare in the US. We had a big “picnic” earlier, the first one we've ever had indoors, because it was raining on and off today. We had a big rainbow earlier. We had our typical mortadella/dorito/baguette sandwiches, etc. And of course we had our Christmas present openings…I got some cool DVDs, some cool clothes, and other random cool stuff!! My favorite gift for mom was a “hairy eyeball” pin.
We had our big Christmas eve dinner at Dad's yesterday…prime rib + scalloped potatoes, brussel sprouts, green beans, parker house rolls, etc….tonight we are having pepper steaks…
Food food food! LOL
It's been great spending time with family…enjoying the nicer weather (although oddly rainy). Have taken a ton of pictures. And it's nice being with people as weird or weirder than myself. Everyone in the South thinks I'm such an oddball and really I'm one of the mildest of my family!! Having “pi” clocks, “binary” clocks, talking about geotechnical engineering, etc, is normal in my family lol. This morning my sister and her boyfriend demonstrated jijitsu moves on each other and then he did some on my mom, Kristina and I were like AUGH don't hurt her!
I've told Mom some of my OT stories…I've been sooo bad about blogging lately. I really need to buck up!! I have so many OT stories yet to tell. My favorites, I must admit, involve bodily fluids and crazy people…but I'd like to get more in-depth about the NORMAL client and NORMAL day, versus the bizarro stories that might scare people away from the profession!!!
Anyway…hope everyone is having a happy holiday…
Dec 26, 2008 | Category: Occupational Therapy | Comments: none