Experience counts for a lot…
Cleaning out email at 2am since had trouble sleeping, about to try to go back to sleep! Lester is goose snoring!
Cheryl from http://otnotes.blogspot.com/ shares this REALLY GOOD POINT…
Sometimes the only thing standing between you and disaster is an experienced coworker. There's been a number of times when the rehab aide has taken a look at a patient and advised to lay off, or noticed diaphoresis early… she's probably stopped a lot of falls and other problems just from experience and observation skills. Mad props to her– and attention students- don't rule anybody out as a potential teacher. There are a lot times when your masters/doctorate degree doesn't mean a thing next to someone's experienced observations or practical skills they've developed over time. Make friends with these people, they will save you from being an idiot time an again.
Aug 27, 2008 | Category: Occupational Therapy | Comments: none