"Famous" OT blog ;)

I copied this out of an e-mail (all the old ones I am going through finally). Someone was telling another person they should meet me at conference: “If you are going to the AOTA meeting, you might enjoy meeting my friend from California, Karen Dobyns. She is the famous blogger about OT (just google occupational therapy student blog). I don’t know how to describe people well but Karen looks like an OT basically. She has that same caring-giving OT look all OTs have and her pictures are on her web site although she doesnt usually wear the Miss OTPF tiara.”

This cracked me up! AHAHAAHA….I don’t know about my fellow bloggers, but I have to wear a baseball cap and sunglasses just to go get some milk at 5am, because otherwise the fans just MOB me!!!!!!!!!!!! Ahahahaahahaha

Jul 21, 2012 | Category: Occupational Therapy | Comments: 3