Flash to Monty Python's I'm not dead, I swear…
I haven't had any ideas on what to write lately. I still have more catch up to do on the blog when the urge strikes again to do some work, but other than that, I'm not doing anything OT-related besides studying for the NBCOT exam coming up. A lot of my friends have gotten jobs in the 40-70K range, with most in the 50K range. The 40K ones tend to be pediatrics, boo. Oh well. We've also noticed that the higher the pay, the more likely it is to be somewhat of a sucky job. 😡
Okay…well…catching up very very slowly….studying for exams…that's about it for now, sorry to abandon you, bloggie.
Apr 28, 2009 | Category: Occupational Therapy | Comments: none