Going to the CA OT Association Conference this weekend!
I am going to the California OT Association conference this weekend along with a fellow co-worker! My company, School Steps Inc, is based out of Sacramento, so I finally get to see homebase! I just got handouts I need to download as no hard copies will be available. I am going to bring address labels so I can quickly stick them on things at various booths instead of having to rewrite my address constantly. I also plan to bring business cards of course….and comfortable shoes! And a couple of fidgets like Tangle Jr's to mess with while I sit in course after course! I'm scheduled for all morning and afternoon Saturday and Sunday so it will be a lot of learning. Hope to network with a lot of other OTs!
I'm also compiling some tiny OT gifts to give to my awesome awesome mentor Tricia.
I got some more hair tinsel put in today again as it was mostly all gone. I got the most I've ever had – like 16 pieces! Purple and gold. I'm telling myself it's an October extravaganza for Halloween lol. I think it's still reasonably subtle so hopefully no claims of unprofessionalism will head my way! The kids (and I) love the sparkle.
I have been brainstorming a lot lately on things to get in dollar bins that can be used in different ways (a la the recycling therapist although I'm not quite so hardcore). I also got some of those popsicle molds and realized if I take off the tops, it's basically 4 containers attached together, so kids could sort 4 different things into the little bins. I also found some tiny tongs that LIGHT UP when you squeeze them closed, they came with a bag of gummi worms I got a long time ago. So of course I pulled that out.
I also added a toy car to my arsenal as I have a lot of young boys and Tonya once again of TherapyFunZone gave me some ideas on how to use the car with writing/drawing shapes/letters!
I had one triennial evaluation today (every three years a child gets fully re-evaluated to determine eligibility for special ed) at one school, then went to another to work on eval write-ups I should have done some make-ups but I am so swamped with paperwork that I knew I needed to finish the eval, and Wednesday afternoons are reserved for meetings/paperwork anyway really. Tommorrow I have an IEP, an initial OT evaluation IEP, and training in billing software, so I don't get to see ANY of my Thursday kids. That's a lot of make-ups as Thursday is typically my busiest day!
I haven't finished up my paperwork due tomorrow so I guess I better stop writing on here. I've gotten into a blogging mode lately. All the sweet comments and e-mails certainly contribute to my new burst of blogging energy. Thank you so much. As always, I assure you, you will eventually get a response if you emailed me. It will just be slow in coming. Thanks for your patience.