good nighttt
Ok it's 240am but I've been productive and don't have to get up early….project postcard eleanor rigby + normal birthday/babies/anniversaries etc cards caught up 27 or so postcards/cards later, all stuff is organized and ready to be dealt with, caught up on 15+ facebook messages, deleted the 1,000+ emails in AOL box after skimming, etc etc…tomorrow I need to get brake light fixed plus stop by UT to go to post office and pick up a fieldwork manual…don't have to be at work until late phew…and also realized this week is the two year anniversary of a very very stressful time in my life with me having my beloved cat put to sleep one day and it was like one of most traumatizing experiences of my life, then next day my grandfather died and flew out for his funeral a day or so later, poor grandma, just a really hard time for a long time after that…so some of my massive emotions felt this week may be related to unconscious anniversary-angst?!
Lester and I are going to head to bed now, it feels good to have so much out of way so can focus on articles and stuff.
Aug 21, 2008 | Category: Occupational Therapy | Comments: none