Guess who is stuck in Pittsburgh???
It's Sunday night. I checked out of the hotel at 1pm, got to the airport around 2pm…for a 5:45pm flight, since there was nothing else we could do. Unfortunately, our plane has been continuously delayed, and right now instead of getting home at 650pm it will probably be closer to midnight. I dunno about y'all, but sitting approximately 12 hours in an airport and/or plane for a two hour flight, basically sucks. At least this airport has free wireless. Although my password will probably get sniffed and my identity stolen and someone will take over my life and IT WOULD BE THE END OF THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111!!!!!!!!
Just kidding. I'm delirious. I'm gonna let Cheryl check her e-mail, and then may catch up on old e-mails and blog entries from this weekend.