HELP button, staples button hack

I found these three things that might help me figure out a Staples button hack. I want it to say “help” instead of “That was easy!”. By the way, kids LOVE the Staples button and consider it a real treat to be able to hit the button after an activity. Even if the activity was actually somewhat frustrating, the kid gets a ghost of a smile on their face after hitting the button. The only problem is they usually try to hit it like six times in a row.

I have a child who doesn't like to ask for help….I wanted to make a Help button so she could hit it for fun. Seemed like a good idea. Only problem is, I'm not exactly handy with a drill so these hacks seem a little challenging for me. But wanted to throw out the idea of hacking out these buttons for basic communication needs or to be silly.

Other alternative….does anybody know of similar buttons you can buy to say whatever you want? I am sure there are OTs and/or SLPs out there working with AC who know way better than I do.

Jul 18, 2011 | Category: Occupational Therapy | Comments: none