i'm a maniac, maniac…occupational therapist maniac part II
I am back, with slightly reddened hands and a sparkly clean porcelain bathroom and kitchen sink. No surfaces were harmed in the making of this sparkliness.
I am really tired, but it is that kind of manic tired where I know I won’t crash for many hours. I got into my workout clothes to work out soon, although I should probably do some OT schoolwork first. With the exception of meeting someone at 6pm, I’m spending the entire day on studying + an hour workout. And the cleaning I already got done, but that’s negative time because technically, I normally wouldn’t even be awake right now.
So here are my OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY study goals for the day, a few are froo-froo but ya gotta throw some fun in there:
*Look into the book “The Recycling Occupational Therapist” about making therapy materials from common household items. It’s a $50 book but I am intrigued. Currently I’m trying to figure out how to make myself a lightweight slanted footrest – the store Rest the Back has them but they are expensive I think. I’m pondering one involving PVC Pipe and Light wood and duct tape.
(Okay I just went searching for it and got sidetracked and I am buying a $7 book on Ebay.com on Vestibular Rehabilitation woot woot!)
*Take notes on “Hand and Upper Extremity Splinting” for Pediatric Patients. It’s pretty cool, it involves using laminated chopsticks, tiny torches, and manicure scissors, to make baby lil splints, they are adorable. Not easy, just cute.
*Work on treatment project on child with dyspraxia, using the Occupational Therapy Practice Framework (OTPF) as my faithful but oh so mind-numbing guide.
*E-mail the group working on a pediatric case study with suggestions on how to tackle the 25 questions.
*Work on the stupid VALPAR Powerpoint ::cries::
Ok. I just met my first study goal, I think I’m going to e-mail the group then take notes on the chapter. Then take a break, then do dyspraxia, then VALPAR. Wasn’t this a fascinating read in the day of the life of an occupational therapy student.
I haven’t forgotten my earlier promised posts, this is an extra post due to pseudomania!