I'm drowning!!!!!!!!!!

Too many projects and tests at once! I'm drowning in a sea of presentations!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I can't even keep track of all my groups – I'm with Camielle and Anna on one presentation and we have to work with Meg, Marla, and Joe on another. Then I'm in another group with Brooke and Allison and we are working with Kerri, Kim, and Emily – so in two days of presentations I'm dealing with 4 different groups. A little chaotic. I'm struggling to retain sanity.

I really really don't have the time to write for a day or two, although I did write down some ideas around 330am last night. AHAHAHA.

I mostly just wanted to say I got a present in the mail today from Amazon.com from my dad. It is called “Body of Work: Meditations on Mortality from the Human Anatomy Lab”. Isn't that sweet??? I'm looking forward to reading it sometime soon!!!!!!!!!

Ok off to go work on two different Powerpoints…

Oh wait, I want to share the poem I wrote for Merrolee, New Zealander Queen of OT Blogs:

Oh Merrolee,
I am filled with glee
Whenever I see your blog posts
on OT.

So Merrolee
I beseech thee,

Aug 09, 2007 | Category: Occupational Therapy | Comments: 2