It's OT Month! Celebrating the possibilities
Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!” – Audrey Hepburn
Don’t you think that’s a great quote for OT? I’m not saying someone with a cervical spinal cord injury should be walking, just that there are always possibilities, some of which we don’t even even know we don’t know. Occupational therapists are often blessed with knowledge that allows them to shed light on new possibilities for those facing the seemingly impossible. One of the most beautiful parts of our job. Watching faces light up with new understanding, new awareness, a sense of possibility, a sense of hope. A sense of future.
It’s April, and it’s OT Month. A month were we celebrate the possibilities and our role as OTs in their illumination.
Lately I haven’t been blogging quite as much, I’ve been posting a lot on Twitter over at and on Facebook at
You can also see them on my blog sidebar.
Speaking of impossibles, I’ve been doing a lot of rock artwork lately, and I’ve gone from stacking flat rocks (the cairns) to working on vertical rock balancing. I balanced these rocks – they’re actually only a few inches tall – on bigger rocks over at Torrey Pines State Beach in La Jolla, CA. I’m proud of it! Very challenging yet calming, meditative. Helps my swirling mind feel at peace. I never, ever would have thought it was something I could do!