Job searches…
I just googled my name to make sure that nothing crazy pops up. Not that I think there are crazy things up about me, but just making sure, yo.
The first few pages that came up, which is all I bothered to look at, seemed benign to good.
I'm thinking about trying to write another mini OT-Practice like thing, a la Reflections of the Heart. Not actively, but have thoughts for topics in back of head.
And by the way I have a post on NBCOT study tips, in the works. Trying to be 100% sure it is not proprietary. I really don't think it is but don't want to find out the hard way. If any of you readers are high enough in the world (or I guess a lawyer, haha) to be able to decide for me, comment so I can let you read it and get advice on whether or not I can post it!!
Jul 13, 2009 | Category: Occupational Therapy | Comments: 1