Job searches: overwhelming with a capital O
The NBCOT review course, taught by Susan Robertson, PhD, FAOTA, ABCDEFGHIJLKMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ, was really helpful and good. I learned that I have a lot to re-learn or review. I am a GREAT test-taker but I don't retain material. I learn for the test, not for my brain, even though I know better, just by like, brain habit. ANYWAY, that means cumulative exams are often killers for me as I haven't remembered anything.
DR. Susan & I talked (because I was asking her at lunch) about going on to get a PhD. I'm not interested in research or teaching, but I do love to write & it makes job opportunities and all that alot easier. I am tired of school for now, but at heart I'm a (not very erudite) academic and think after a year of so of working, I'll be ready to try for a PhD. Especially if I get some sponsorship so I can do it full-time. We'll see.
I'm rather bereft because I rather erroneously hoped that with my blogging connections, people would be falling over dead to offer me THE JOB OF A LIFETIME. Unfortunately, not so much. One of my lovely blog readers who I call Annanahahdidnanahi because she is Indian and her name is really hard to remember properly, e-mailed me with a few jobs fitting my inpatient peds description. One looked AWESOME (inpatient peds, promise of mentorship) but had two major flaws.
1) It's in Hampton, VA, and I am really hoping for a job in TN, CA, or NC….I'm not a huge fan of East Coast or from moving even further away from my CA family/TN peeps
2) The job is offered through OceanMed Staffing…I'm not sure the pros/consof taking on a permanent placement with using a staffing company versus going directly through the hospital, but when I go to the hospital listing I don't even see the job, so who knows
I know I should maybe just take a job at some random SNF (skilled nursing facility) but when I recall my fieldwork in acute care, it was often the most difficult patients headed to a SNF. I was usually relieved to see them go and felt sorry for their upcoming therapists,and so to be that therapist does not appeal to me. I really think I have a gift with peds, love inpatient, and desperately want mentorship as I feel I have lots I can absorb from experienced therapists. So I'm pondering. Take a job I would LOVE, but in a place I really really wouldn't want to live/have no relatives/friends, or take a job I don't love so much, in a more appropriate location? These are the days of my lives.
The comments and e-mails I get from people REALLY REALLY HELP……I feel rather alone even though I'm surrounded by classmates in the same boat. The more advice, tips, mentorship, whatever, is appreciated and I soak it all in.