Just finished first half of my first rotation…holy cow what is that NOISE my cat is making it sounds like a goose
We went first to a tiny town in Miss. where we did a home visit of two little boys…we drove up and were met by about a thousand barking dogs + tons of beautiful butterflies, plus of course the children etc. It was a beautiful day and still morning so not too hot, so we did the entire hour visit outside with our bag of toys on the picnic table. 🙂 I really wanted to play with the butterflies instead of the kids, though. AHAHAHAHAA
Then we went to lunch – yum – I got a hush puppy – among other things of course – then we spent several hours at the new clinic working on preparing the stuff for the new early intervention OT. We prepared new bags of toys for the OT, went through our own bag, and then she did paperwork stuff while I worked on the clinic computers + watered the plants, etc. Then we drove down to another small Mississippi town to a beautiful house of the OT – she has SIX dogs and THREE cats – to go over the kids and all that. Then we drove back to my OT's house so I could pick up my beloved new Lester the Lion Kitty, I got home around 7pmish…my friend Christa came over to see him and kindly stopped and bought me kitty litter…since then my kitty and I have been bonding and I've just laid around, I've worked close to ten hours almost every day this week, so I am soo exhausted.
I don't exactly know my schedule for next week while my OT is out of town, besides attending a low vision rehab for children seminar all day on Friday, but I'm going to ask – with my OT's blessing – to not really be scheduled much unless necessary, because there is TONS AND TONS AND TONS of organizational work, eval write-ups, etc, that I can work on while she is gone, that will make life easier for everyone…although still doing home visits in new clinic area etc…will have the fabulous COTA, Charlene with me 🙂 …And love the PRN OT, Vanessa, from South Africa….and love the speech therapists/aides….I guess I love everyone. Especially Lester.
Pic 1 – new bag of toys
Pic 2 – our bag of toys all spread out
Pic 3 – a really, really bizarre Ken doll or something that does NOT look kid-friendly?!!!