la la la la la la la la la la….the energizer bunny has deenervated
Tomorrow was interesting day, errr I mean today, since I can’t read the future, although tomorrow should be interesting as it is the low vision rehab seminar for children at UT, and I really hope I walk away having some new ideas for things to do with my two blind babies! Woot woot!
I think I’m going to go do my dishes and then get in bed to blog about today. Have to be up in 6.5 hours from now, so I guess I better do dishes/blog asap!! Guess it means I won’t write much, y’all are lucky ducks. I get complaints I write too much but I don’t care – just skim or skip – I write for my own therapy so I’m not gonna cut down unless y’all want my postings to start going like this: day 1. AUGHHHHHHHHHh! day 2: AUGHHHHHHHHHHHhh! day 3: AUGHHHHHHHHHH!
Have I mentioned I have the cutest, UGLIEST cat in the world? I love you Lester the Lion Kitty, love of my life, apple of my eyeball, pajama of my cat.