Make/Print Your Own Grid and/or Graph Paper: Beneficial for OTs
Griddzly and Incompetech’s Graph paper are both great EASY and free sites that let you either customize or choose graph paper to print.
Many of us OTs have clients that need bigger or smaller sizes, or different shapes, or different spacing, etc. Or we have games we want to play or exercises we want to use to teach strategies, and yet don’t have time or energy to reinvent the wheel. Even fieldwork students can use this just to skim for ideas. easy to make your own grid/graph papers in various shapes or sizes, although semi limited in options. If you don’t want to print then, you can save as PDF. I do like the matrix dot options.
Look, incompetech versus incompetent. Love it. Not sure what it says about their quality but…AHAHAHAA
I haven’t played around with this one, but they have a LOT of options to print, including triangular, asymmetric, note taking, square, etc. Best bet if you want something complex.
*I’m finishing up report cards today, and done moving tomorrow! April 1st begins OT month, so I’m hoping to have up a new post and/or resource on my blog, Twitter, FB, etc, every day of that month. 🙂
*That also includes going back to posts like this to add in a pictures and more ideas, etc