Monday Monday…Week 8 of 12 begins.

Had a pretty good weekend. 9 people + 1.5 dogs came over to meet Lester this weekend. All fell in love.


  • Put holding babies “on hold” – only scheduled every two weeks but try to go weekly.
  • Lake plans canceled, boo – instead, friend Christa brought over her big dog Benny to meet my landlord’s dog, Topper, and to meet Lester the Lion Kitty. (Lester and Benny oddly enough got along quite well.)
  • Played outside with landlord’s dog Topper + water hose
  • Walked on track with PT student Stephanie
  • OTS Kerri & husband Brent came over to meet Lester and & eat Mediterranean
  • Wrote 22 postcards + a few more to go, finally caught up on anniversaries/birthdays/Eleanor Rigbies, etc

Monday’s goals:

  • Have a stress-free work-day – morning is two home visits with blind baby and deaf/blind baby, afternoon is kids at the new clinic. Need to leave house by 730am max to pick up toy bag and kid records at main clinic before meeting fellow therapists.
    • Note: Remember to bring giant watering can for plants there + surge protectors for computers
  • Get off on time (don’t forget to finish plan of care write-up for J and A, write progress notes for the Thursday kids) and join Allison at gym for yoga
  • Finalize addresses/stamps of all postcards to send Tuesday
  • Go to roadside Missisippi stand for veggies, grocery store for high protein, low sugar stuff
  • Send in revisions of article on online social community for OT Practice*****
  • Send Kuma my part of diversity/disability article*****

Aug 18, 2008 | Category: Occupational Therapy | Comments: none