
Okay…today I cleaned house, walked in park with a friend, and spent an hour with the same baby at the hospital….a very interactive 4-month old baby and we actually got to have a floor mat and do some tummy time and some other stuff to work on building core muscles. Just as a volunteer of course, but this baby was definitely up for some developmental play! I held her close, sang to her, rubbed her little legs and arms, looked her in the eyes, just all the good developmental stuff you can do. It was great! This baby actually had a trach and the long blue tube and stuff and it's the first baby I've really handled like that, but it wasn't so bad. And sitting there with her in my gown and gloves on the floor mat, I was really content…I was like…this is definitely what I want to do…inpatient babies. A lot less intimidating than adults! 

Overall today was a thousand times better than yesterday…I'm still a little nervous about the upcoming week fieldwork wise, but not too bad…it is the start of Week 4. And it's my birthday week, so I have lots of birthday dinners scheduled! Fun!!

Oct 20, 2008 | Category: Occupational Therapy | Comments: none