Oooh almost done with week off
Plus Lester is a little sick (?) with an inflamed mouth and not acting quite right so I am taking him into the vet tomorrow and he'll probably end up with a teeth cleaning/inflammation shot(?) and a flea bath if nothing else, it's going to be expensive, booo, since I'm pretty sure he'll end up being sedated. Grrr.
Tomorrow…….drop Lester off at vet…work out at Curves w/ Kerri…finalize questions for final…hopefully volunteer at alzheimer's day center…babysit….also need to find a time early in day to do the final questions…and to search for lab coat which could take a while cuz I have noooooooo idea where I would have put it….
I think this weekend I have to fore-go most fun invitations and prepare for starting up the new fieldwork since I sure haven't done anything helpful this week! But I have had FUN this week and that's important in an indirect way…:)
Anyway. Tired. Good night.