Did I get your attention?
What do you do when a very old man with dementia is inappropriate towards women, expecting sexual favors (confusing them with his passed wife, at times)? Honestly my instinct is to recommend paying someone to cuddle with him since that's probably the only thing he can really handle anyway, but I know that's not exactly kosher and I'm not sure how you'd do it…”Excuse me, Escort Services? Yes, I'd like to use y'all, but not for any home runs, ya know what I'm saying?”
I wonder how many escorts specialize in geriatric services…ie cuddling and minor intimacy. Hmm. Yo Escort Services who have Google Alerts: Think about it!!! Geriatric Specialties!! You're welcome.
I was asked by the man's daughter how to handle this situation, and I told her I'd look into it and get back to her. Anybody have good ideas?!! I might post this on the OT mental health listserv, but first I should probably check some literature and the archives too, as I know this is a relatively common issue….the whole retrogenesis thing I guess.
Okay I'm jumping in the shower and heading to bed! Those of you who just started a new fieldwork (apparently January 5th was a big start day), I/we would LOVE to hear from y'all if you have anything to share, whether good, bad, stories, facts, thoughts, whatev.