Oooooooooh goodness gracious today will be an occupational dooozy
So…yesterday was a fun day, but now it's time to stress out!
Here is today's to do list, it's pretty whiny:
1. Not hold babies 🙁
2. Write a ton of SOAP note stuff due tomorrow. A lot more work than I realized, oopsie doopsie
3. Finalize well Elderly Project due tomorrow including type in all the references APA style, I'd rather slam my fingernails in a door and then rub lemon and salt into them, and then hang upside down for six hours. And I'm not a drama queen.
4. Put final entries in blog journal, then cut down my blog journal to smaller size to hand in tomorrow (it's supposed to be handwritten, but you know what? I have too much to do – I'd rather get a few points off than spend hours handwriting something. Sorry. “Oh, I wanted to help you all with this important task, but actually I need to be laboriously copying my typed journal into a handwritten one, because spending hours of my time copying is a really great master's level thing to do, so sorry, I can't help you!” I know the point was to just handwrite in the first place, but homie with a blog and atrophied handwriting muscles don't play like dat…)
5. Find out if anything else is due tomorrow beyond what I said above, and if so, repeatedly slit my wrists with a paper clip, emo-style.
6. Go through my seventy emails to make sure I deal with the important ones asap before leaving for conference
7. Inform my grandmother that her plans to see me in Long Beach at AOTA conference will not work out, and be guilt-tripped (I'll be back in June for weeks!).
8. Make sure that the hawaiian punch powder I snorted up my nose last night by accident doesn't disintegrate my septum.
9. Start packing.
10. Go to Target across town to buy some cheap tops because I have lots of nicer pants but very few nice tops.
11. Go to Designer Shoe Warehouse further across town to buy some comfortable black shoes with no heels and no scuffs.
11.5 Fill up gas tank
12. Wonder why I have procrastinated on all these issues.
13. Participate in a special chat room meeting tonight regarding communications and the ASD meetings, coming up at AOTA conference.
14. Clean my messy house because somehow it gets messy DAILY?
15. Feel guilty about not exercising.
16. Call my daddio to check on him since he is having some medical issues, boo!
17. Scream and rip my hair out because I have too much to do in a single day. Cry.
18. Just kidding on #17.
19. Well, kinda.
Thinking out loud here….
Ok…I'm gonna start with fieldwork journaling and cutting that down, since I do best starting with easier stuff. Then I'll finalize well Elderly. Then hit Target/DSW/Gas station. Then come home and work a lot on SOAP notes. Do everything else during breaks of SOAP notes writing since I'm betting it will take me many many hours. AUGH.
::Deep breathing: