OT bone

Trying to throw out an OT blog bone here….super busy…need to finish taxes and my conference presentation for AOTA tonight, if at all possible….not to mention prepare for work tomorrow. Sorry for the quiet, I've been on a two week spring break! Love working in the schools. lol. The good news is I got down from 509  new gmails to 243…that's a start…and I'm trying to do better about responding to comments….gonna go shower since I took two Pilates classes in a row today (one was Piloxing – new to me – a Pilates/boxing combo – intense) anyway – then back to work. But we all know that “work” for me means a tiny bit of work, then procrastination on Facebook or my blog, then back to work, etc…..super excited about upcoming AOTA conference…can't wait to meet social media friends/blog readers (who I consider my friends!) etc. Many of my blog readers have become my friends on FB and have been for years, it's awesome. 🙂 I love them.


Apr 16, 2012 | Category: Occupational Therapy | Comments: none