OT surprise…I have no idea what this picture will include!!
Still need to figure out formatting. I basically have 12 pictures of 6 pictures each for the next few weeks….I had a photo shoot OT toy party this weekend. But I send this via email so the picture is a surprise. So I guess it will either be self-explanatory, or I will have to go back and explain things soon. For now it's 9pm and I am trying to calm my brain down to go to bed. Very busy life these days. Looking forward to AOTA conference in Indiana next month – I bought my plane fare, am sharing a room with LIBBY and one of her peeps, and registered for conference…..so it's official. Who is coming to our session on social media on Saturday morning? Who is gonna come say hi to me???? Can't wait to meet y'all……
Mar 27, 2012 | Category: Occupational Therapy | Comments: none