Part 2 of our 1st few days of OT school…with OT pictures!! Ooh!

Go read the post below this one or this post won’t make sense.

Friday, January 4th, continued:

So…anyway. We started out happy to see each other…

but we did get annoyed with the scheduling conflict!

(I told them to make their angry faces for the camera, they don’t just all hate me)

We did get a chance to hang out some though…

And take some pretty pictures…

Here are OTS Kim, Virginia, and Stephanie (who just got married!)

We finally got into the classroom and our lecture was on “Aging in Place” and it was pretty interesting. It has to do with trying to help people well, age in place, ie, not have to move to a nursing home or something….stay independent as long as possible. This can vary from cheap home modifications like a wheelchair ramp, or to very expensive remodels that a person can “grow into”, so to speak. OTs can help with this through education and giving suggestions on home modification, among other things. I want to post more about this later by itself.


Then we had pizza with the new students. It was fun. They then went to anatomy orientation, where they were given their bone boxes, and had to pick out a body. I had warned my OT little sib about the right kind of body to grab, so she got a great one – not too much fat to peel off, but not so frail as to have paper thin muscles! Yay!

So in conclusion…we have had two days of OT school and a total of 2.5 hours of class. I don’t understand why we couldn’t have just started on the 7th and added in that time elsewhere, since people had to come home 4 days early just for that. But, I know if my professors read this they would say we already had a long break, they can make the schedule how they see fit, blah blah blah…I’m venting but I understand and am apointing out there are multiple sides to the story so that I don’t get in trouble! Augh!

Yikes I don’t want to end this on a bad note. So let’s talk about happy things. Like eating chocolate-covered pretzels. Or Brooke & I putting 150 OT schools into Excel so we can make envelope labels for our campaign fliers. Oh wait, that isn’t happy, that’s just tedious….okay happy…happy…it’s hard to think of happy at 1:30am….ok hmm….sunshine! lollipops! teddybears! puppies! People helped by OT! People who love OT! Yay! OT! Yay!

The End.

Jan 07, 2008 | Category: Occupational Therapy | Comments: 2