Photo cards and use in occupational therapy…

Caption: Virginia bravely sits on the most uncomfortable futon in the world, showing off the photo cards.

My OTS friend Virginia brought over a neat game the other day. She got it through Campus Crusade, and it is available through It’s technically a “spiritual” game where you use pictures (50 of them spread all over as above) to answer questions like “What three pictures most symbolize what you want for your future?” etc. It seemed like it could potentially be modified to be a great OT tool.

Some possible uses (maybe taking your own photos instead of using theirs):

1. Elderly people -asking them questions about what symbolizes different parts of their past (reminiscing is a powerful tool)

2. Mental health – asking people questions that they can link to cards reflecting their emotions

3. Cognition – asking people to link cards using some sort of category such as “red”, or asking them to describe the photos, etc.

4. Spirituality – its original purpose – depending on the situation and what the person needs – asking them about their spiritual hopes or issues. This is actually kind of touchy – I kind of wanted to cry when I was doing this with Virginia!

5. Tons of other things…be creative.

Anyway…it was neat.

Jan 31, 2008 | Category: Occupational Therapy | Comments: none