Posey vest
Tomorrow is his last day since he was only doing a two week rotation! We'll miss him!!
I did two evaluations entirely by myself today – one on a deconditioned woman, one on a recent hip replacement.
I have coined a new diagnostic abbreviation….”TW”….stands for train wreck….and its for those people who have SO many issues going on that train wreck is the best way to describe it…like the person might be in seen by us because of deconditioning but their past medical history may be: GERD, gastroparesis, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, cataracts, hip replacement, diabetes, depression, anxiety, dementia, cardiac stents, CABG, arthritis, back injury, right toe amputation, breast cancer, uterine cancer, RSD, anemia, renal failure, COPD…and more.
Tomorrow I will be following PTs in the morning and Cody will be with the OT. And tomorrow is our weekly supervisor-student meeting to discuss goals of week and goals for next week.
My goal for tomorrow is as always CONFIDENCE 🙂