Pre-Happy Holidays

“The 2008 Assembly of Student Delegates (ASD) Steering Committee Election will be held online from January 14 to February 20, 2008. All AOTA student members are eligible to vote.” –

if you are not an AOTA member, become one! I promise it's worth it! And if you are an AOTA member…go check all the candidates out (you have to be a member to see the information) and then decide I'm the best for OT Vice Chairperson 🙂

So this isn't necessarily the most rousing “VOTE FOR ME” (And Brooke Ward!) post…but I'm OT-ed out for a while! It's the holidays! Send me material if you have some and I'll try to post occasionally so no one thinks I'm dead…but I don't really plan to get back into this full-gear until January 3rd, when classes start again…(it was supposed to be the 7th, then switched to the 4th, now the 3rd…..aren't we lucky). It's a semester that focuses on geriatrics, so get excited!…as OTS Meg would say.

AND, I'll start campaigning in earnest after Christmas…

Happy Holidays!!

Dec 20, 2007 | Category: Occupational Therapy | Comments: none