Preventing healthcare acquired infections like MRSA…
Barbara Dunn has been e-mailing me about preventable infections – I need to check out the website for more information as it looks pretty interesting. One thing I always wonder about is the clipboards that get carried around everywhere! Check it out. 🙂
 I'd like to inform you and the readers of Occupational Therapy Students (B)e(LO)n(G) about how to protect patients and healthcare workers from the huge number of preventable infections people are catching in hospitals and other medical care facilities.
I've created a useful site that you're welcome to check out and take any resources from you like:
That site is a summary of a bigger effort by Kimberly-Clark Healthcare called “Not on My Watch” which is aimed at eliminating completely preventable healthcare acquired infections like MRSA and ventilator-associated pneumonia. Â Complete information about the “Not on My Watch” campaign can be found at
Please let me know if there are any questions I can answer for you.
Barbara Dunn