Rambling Secrets and Twitter

The title is actually not true. But the compulsive part of me wanted the title to go RST. And it did. So there.

Moving on.
SECRETS: A secret to share next week…check back by the end of next week…it’s exciting…well mostly to me. AHHAHAAHA. But I will give details as to how MAYBE it’s exciting to you too!

TWITTER: I’ve been tweeting a lot at www.twitter.com/msawesomenessOT although I’m re-building up followers as I’ve been at www.twitter.com/funkist for years.

My web designer and graphic designer have been helping me get this website and brand on track. The logo is about to change slightly and the website is continuously being tweaked while in its "emerging" stages.


Feb 21, 2014 | Category: Occupational Therapy | Comments: none