Random assortment of pictures from the last week…
New Year’s Eve…my friend Doug and I
Talli, my OT little sib, looks curiously at my computer…we hung out Friday night after she had completed OT orientation!
Doug blows bubbles near all my OT books! We were experimenting with taking bubble pictures with his new camera…I forgot to rotate this and now I’m too lazy to care. I’m grossed out by the bubbly goop. Sensory issue anyone? By the way, look closely at my necklace…it has MOLECULES (neurotransmitters) ON IT!! Yes that’s right! It’s really cool! www.madewithmolecules.com, thanks Nacho! (A Christmas gift from my grandfather.)
Ok…anyway…moving on…
Jan 07, 2008 | Category: Occupational Therapy | Comments: none