Random OT tidbit of the day
Idea of the day I stole from some forum….
If you have a child who needs to focus with minimal distractions on learning basic vocabulary words, tape large, single words all over a room you can make very dark and quiet. Then sit or lie on the floor (maybe with a weighted blanket to help calm a distractible child who needs sensory input) and shine a bright flashlight at one of those words at a time. Or they can be the ones to use the flashlight to find the words you had previously put up…
Tomorrow we are having cookies and milk (and other drinks) in the Rehab gym to celebrate OT Month, right before a quick inservice on the GA Rehab Association. I'm in charge of OT Month so hopefully tommorrow's little event will go well. 🙂
Apr 22, 2010 | Category: Occupational Therapy | Comments: 1