Randommmmmmmmmm ot student life


Class from 10am to noon on dementia by an awesome lady, Cheryl, who works for the Alzheimer's Association.
Lunch: Run home for some spoons of peanut butter and a quick nap
2 to 4: At a really nice geriatric facility, touring the nursing home, assisted living, area for those with dementia, etc
4 to 530ish: At OTS Kerri's with OTS Allison for an impromptu study group on tomorrow's management final, while I waited to go to a special event in that area
530: Went to special art event for my friend Sarah, yay!
7pm: Stopped at bookstore on way home to check in with friend OTS Brooke, who is having a rough time! 🙁
730pm: Stopped at OTS Virginia's house on way home because she got her first kitty! We did an OT assessment on the kitty and house and everything looks good!
830pm: Got home. Now need to get ready to work 9 to midnight.

MANAGEMENT FINAL AUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! + other miscellaneous stuff, no time to talk now!!! I shouldn't have even wroten (i love grammar) this but it's too late now! Ha ha! Yay I love OT school, days like this it is a lot of fun!!!!!!!!!

Mar 05, 2008 | Category: Occupational Therapy | Comments: none