Severe Suffering of Occupational Atrophy Disorder (OAD)

Occupational Therapy!

I've been working (too much) on an article I am trying to submit to OT Practice. You don't even want to know how many hours I've spent on the included drawing. Thank goodness for generous friends who help critique what I've done and correct my grammatical mistakes, and thank goodness for Virginia teaching me how to turn text at an angle! I love you Virginia!

Anyway, I've neglected this blog this weekend, and it's primarily due to a twenty five hour occupational therapy course in thermal modalities this weekend. Can you blame me? Today I went and met my research partner, Julie, to go practice assessments and balance/mobility tests on an elderly person. I also worked on my article, cleaned the house, cleaned out about 400 emails all together, organized my binders, and worked on several different projects. I need to work on my occupational evaluation and community initiative paper tonight. This is the third weekend in a row I feel I never got much of a break!

Another excuse: I suspect my new glasses are a little too strong and I'm getting a lot of eyestrain, so it's hard to work on those projects AND work on my beloved occupational therapy blog, even when I'm ready to take the time. Sometimes I type while looking away from the computer so my eyes can rest. (Speaking of eyes, my mom found my lost “Planet of the Blind” library book in a backpack in her California trunk today.)

So today I post to tell you, yet again, that it's going to be a day or two. Please forgive me. I'm suffering from occupational atrophy disorder. Or educationotrophy. Or Educationoplasia. Man, I'm clever with my medical terminology.

Guess what! (Chicken butt) – I know now how to do ice massage, heat packs, cold packs, ice packs, and ultrasound! Woot woot! My next post will be all about Thermal Modalities, with PICTURES! Get excited! Go hypothetically fall down and hurt yourself so I can tell you how I could fix you, if I had my license + certification + ability to access equipment.

Oct 01, 2007 | Category: Occupational Therapy | Comments: 1