Showers, assessments, blah blah blah
Gave a few showers today. Did a few LACLS. Did a driving screen with one guy in my OT's day program, did a quasi-OPPM (occupational performance process model) with another. Got a few refusals. Did a few ADM placemats. Dealt with some tears, some toileting, etc
I was doing something with one patient when his psychiatrist came in to check on him, that psychiatrist said to me “You must be the famous student Dr. X [another main psychiatrist] is always talking about. It's nice you have such an interest” or something like that.
Cool huh!!!
Tommorrow I'm going to do another driving screen, another OPPM, TRY and do groups – I haven't done a single one this week as of yet.
I had my first “real” private dance lesson today after work…we worked a lot on foxtrot and waltz, one movement of the tango, but overall mostly focusing on the “poise, posture, and carriage”…also identifying what dances to what music. Some push pull swing too. My next lesson is Monday…I only paid for 3 total so I'll be done by next week…and I may go to the Mardi Gras dance tomorrow night. Hmmm.
Alright, I'm going to head to bed I think…this weekend I need to clean up my messy room and make some plans for my future!!!!!!!!!!