Small world, small world
Small world…you know how the lady who runs MIFA knew of my blog because one of their PR people forwarded it to her because it showed up as a Google alert? Well I went to a career networking event at my undergrad college tonight (hoping to promote OT) and I met a girl, a fellow Rhodes alum, with a MIFA sticker, and it turns out she does PR, and I mentioned we had to do MIFA, and then we realized she was the one who had sent on my blog. So we were completely unrelated but related. Neat huh. I made two new friends tonight too, both alums, woot woot.
Now I'm going to write my ridiculously long Alzheimer Day Center blog post for the day, and then I'm gonna finalize a communications proposal, and then make about ten handouts if possible for my well elderly project, so that I can focus solely on Tai Chi next week.
PS: Sarah sorry if I was short in my e-mail, I was really stressed at that moment, but I really appreciate you taking the time to share the book information with me, and I hope you have a great trip doing biomedical engineering prep stuff because you are ridiculously smart and overly cool, and I'm proud of you for starting a Future BME blog, okay the end. And oh yeah I will try to get through all my emails asap. lol