Some new blogs to check out from this link

I started working on updating my blog when I saw a traffic source was from this link…which I was unaware of! It's called “Top 50 Occupational Therapy Blogs” and I am number one on the list (I don't think it's in any order though). From what I skimmed, it may be the work of a bot, considering that its descriptions of each blog are somewhat off. For example, the ABC Therapeutics blog is next on the list and it says it focuses primarily on hand therapy, which is a big fat lie! The author, Chris, writes a lot about evidence-based practice, policy, and work within pediatrics. I have followed him for years. I recommend you take this list with a HUGE grain of salt (maybe an entire salt shaker), but it may give you some new links to peruse, at least. 🙂

Mar 01, 2011 | Category: Occupational Therapy | Comments: none