sooo sleeeeepy
I'm sleepy. Going to bed soon. My cat Lester is angry at me for the dental oral rinse I inflicted upon him. I'm sorry Lester.
Today I did several evaluations by myself, and one of them I did with my supervisor watching, it was kind of a special situation where a woman with a hip replacement ended up in ICU due to some complications. She said I did a good job but that I need to elaborate even more on the three main hip precautions of no crossing legs, no internal rotation, and no bending past 90. I explained them all a tiny bit, but not as in much detail as I should have.
We had seven evals today – and only ONE treatment, which the COTA did, and then she went back to some of the evals and treated a few of them.
The pain scale is so interesting – someone writhing in pain will rate it a 5, another person smiling and talking will rate it a 7. Very “personal”.
I'm a little more nervous about tomorrow's schedule – I am feeling pretty ok about ortho evals and more or less normal evals, but we have a lot of treatments tomorrow. I'm not so comfortable with treatment! A bunch of ortho treatments – so things like lower body dressing, getting in and out of bed, etc. Sounds so basic. But I get messed up easily!!
Oh well. My mood/attitude continues to improve and hopefully tomorrow will be a good day. 🙂
And PS, I'm still way behind on e-mail, and I am still dealing with police report/insurance stuff/getting new cards/checks etc…and today I ended up working out and then going to a friend's so I got home late and now I'm too sleepy to do anything.
Tomorrow my plan is to work, go to the gym, then come home and be productive!!! And not do anything else!!!