"The blind can only see the heart and intelligence of a man…"

Also in a Smithsonian I believe. I know there’s a glare, but read that last paragraph if you can, about this man waking up blind in a hospital, but that the experience was “revealing” (interesting choice of word).

“The blind can only see the heart and intelligence of a man, and nothing in these things indicates in the slightest whether a man is white or black.”

Sometimes we pity people who have lost a sense because we take in so much through each of our senses. But sometimes they receive a gift through that loss. A “blessing in disguise”…a reminder that what matters is much more than skin-deep.

Keep that in mind when you meet people who you may be quick to write off due to appearance! Don’t let your eyes decide, process further. 🙂 We have many lessons to learn and often from the people we least expect.

*Hopefully the relevance to OT is obvious!!

Nov 06, 2012 | Category: Occupational Therapy | Comments: none