The Valpar Component Work Sample 7: Multi-Level Sorting.
I’ve mentioned the VALPAR a lot lately, since Stephanie and I are doing a presentation on it Tuesday.
Basically VALPAR is a corporation that does a lot of industrial-rehab related assessments. They have a line of work samples that help test a person’s ability to handle a job using similar needs. The Work Sample 7 looks at sorting, color discrimination, finger dexterity, etc. It’s a great assessment, although not very holistic – an occupational therapist who worked in industrial rehab would probably use the VALPAR as one of several assessments, in order to get a better feel for how ready the worker is to tackle a similar line of work.
It also, incidentally, turns out that “valpar” means puppies in Swedish, so if you search for VALPAR on google or youtube, you’ll see a lot of doggie pictures and a lot of the Swedish language. (I speak Norwegian and Swedish is similar so it’s easy to recognize. In Norwegian it is spelled “valper” though).
Stephanie and I have made our Powerpoint, printed out scoring sheets/administration list for everyone, made a VALPAR video of the administration directions, found silly pictures for “breaks”, and we are READY. Well, except for practicing.