Thermal Modalities for Occupational Therapists/Students
We had the Thermal Modalities course from 1pm to 6pm today (we got out early because the professor is sick), and we are supposed to have it from 8am to 6pm tomorrow and 8am to 6pm Saturday. THAT IS A LOT OF HOURS! TEN HOUR CLASSES FOR SEVERAL DAYS! AUGH! At least we will be certified in modalities. We did hot packs and paraffin and fluidotherapy (ground up corncobs!) today, and tomorrow we do ultrasound and cryotherapy, I think. We have multiple written tests and multiple lab practicals each day. Ugh.
I'm hoping we get out a little early each day, especially since I work 9 to midnight tomorrow. A 8am to 6pm class then working 9pm to midnight is killer!
Anyway, I'm exhausted and going to bed.
Sep 28, 2007 | Category: Occupational Therapy | Comments: none